Thursday, April 28, 2005

Proud to be uh-'Murican

From Newsmax:

The Army reservist who tipped off investigators to abuse of Iraqi prisoners by his fellow soldiers is in protective military custody because of death threats, family members said Tuesday.

From Dada:

I just want to share how sick it makes me to be among those who fuckin' pride themselves as being Americans. It's difficult to imagine the kind of people who would want to kill a soldier because he revealed the attrocities we are capable (and should be ashamed) of.

We should be thanking and honoring Spc. Joseph M. Darby for his courage to come forward. Instead he and his wife are in hiding. Darby's own mother doesn't even know where they are.

As Howard Zinn said of our over-flowing prisons: Many of those incarcerated are there from minor non-violent offenses. While murderers, torturers, and butchers in D.C. walk around free.

Amen, brother Dada!