Friday, July 29, 2005

Why CAFTA Passed

With ... CAFTA in serious trouble, a prominent business leader recently laid it on the line: Business groups are prepared to cut off campaign contrubtions to House members who oppose the pact. "If you are going to vote against it, it's going to cost you,' said Thomas J. Donahue, president and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

This might explain why 15 Democrats caved and supported CAFTA.

The Progressive reports:

Democrats gave Bush this victory, and workers and the environment this defeat, here and in Central America.

You see, 15 Democrat sided with Bush and multinational corporations by voting for CAFTA (see list below). If only two of those Democrats had voted with their party, CAFTA would be dead.
The Fifteen Democrats who voted for CAFTA

Melissa Bean, IL

Jim Cooper, TN

Henry Cuellar, TX

Norm Dicks, WA

Ruben Hinojosa, TX

William Jefferson, LA

Jim Matheson, UT

Greg Meeks, NY

Dennis Moore, KS

Jim Moran, VA

Solomon Ortiz, TX

Ike Skelton, MO

Vic Snyder, AR

John Tanner, TN

Ed Towns, NY