Sunday, October 09, 2005

Pastafarians Rejoice!

I've been so busy filling orders for Flying Spaghetti Monster emblems, that I haven't had much time to write anything except shipping reports. I'm still trying to catch up to real time with shipping, but I wanted to take a few minutes to respond to some comments from you wonderful Pastafarians.

One person requested that we make more FSM items and we will when we can, if FSM's prophet, Bobby Henderson wills it. We are working for him. We're a tiny 2-person, home-based business (we can't afford to hire employees and we don't have any kids to use for slave labor) so it takes us a while to accomplish our goals. Rob has a real job, so I do most of Ring of Fire's work. This allows us to provide personal service and I read every email you send or every comment to this blog, but when I get too busy, I can't personally answer each one. I love hearing from you all though, so please continue to send your questions, complaints and suggestions.

Our first priority is to get back-orders of FSM emblems shipped out. While I'm doing that, the factory is working on the Pirate fish. I'm sorry I don't have an expected date for the Pirate fish emblem but I'll post that info here as soon as I have some news.

We aren't taking pre-orders for the Pirate fish because I'm overwhelmed with back orders for the FSM emblems and am still trying to catch up.

Someone commented that we make it hard for you to place orders and I realized we needed to make that easier so Rob created an ad which is now in the sidebar of this blog. It will take you to Ring of Fire's web site where you can quickly and easily place your order.

If you have a blog or a web site, feel free to copy the blog ad or an image from Ring of Fire to link to. Rob can create an ad to your specifications, so feel free to ask him at Help us spread the good noodles of our Lord and Pasta, the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

In closing I'll sign off like one Pastafarian did when he placed an order: "RAmen & Hallelasagna!"